As Trump steps up deportation
In the context of rising of deportation of African migrants from USA and Germany, read this article published by a…

Faced with a non-inclusive MIDWA, build our own dialogue spaces. Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), religious organizations, migrant organizations and trade…

Courtesy visit at the ECOWAS Commission
On the sidelines of a stay in Abuja (Nigeria), the Permanent Secretary of the West African Observatory on Migrations paid…

Training of trade unions, CSOs and migrant’s organisations in Lokossa (BENIN)
The West African Observatory on Migrations was at the side of the trade unions, CSOs and migrant’s organisations of Benin…

Meeting with Minister Dussey on African CSOs participation in ACP-EU negotiations – Lome (TOGO)
A delegation of African Civil Society Organization (CSOs), led by the Permanent Secretary of the West African Observatory on Migrations,…

Advocacy on Post-Cotonou Agreement in Brussels (Belgium)
On the initiative of the European NGO Confederation for Relief and Development (CONCORD) and the European Union Civil Society Committee…

Contibution of CSOs at AU meeting on GCM Implementation
Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) were aware of the meeting organized on June 18-19 by the African Union Commission (AUC) in…

Visa Privatization: Undergoing or Taking Action?
Should we resign to see visas become a profitable business as much for the countries of immigration as for some…

Media Training on Migration – Formation des Médias sur la Migration- Johannesburg 2019
The Sub-Sahara Media Programme of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS Media Africa) organised a conference entitled ‘’Media and Migration: Telling…

AACC Consultation on Migration and Human Trafficking – Lagos 2019
The West African Observatory on Migrations attended the Consultation on Migration and Human Trafficking organised in Lagos (Nigeria) by the…