Participate to the World Social Forum on Migrations 2018 in Mexico
The 8th World Social Forum on Migrations (WSFM-2018) will take place from 2 to 4 November 2018 in Mexico City.…

Training on monitoring in Abidjan – Côte d’Ivoire
As part of the campaign for free movement in Africa, the West African Observatory on Migrations is organizing a training…

Africans do not like Africans
The report is very sickening. Africans are far more terrible towards their African brothers than with others. Some speak of…

GFMD 2018 Civil Society Days – Apply Now
APPLY TO ATTEND THE GLOBAL FORUM ON MIGRATION AND DEVELOPMENT 2018 Dear civil society friends and colleagues, We are very…

A detour to Guinea
“Guinea does not attract but retains”, confided Sylla, one of these young people met in the commune of Ratoma in…

Africa and the implications of clandestine immigration
Clandestine immigration remains a phenomenon that continues to attract the attention of public opinion. According to the International Organisation for…

Remarks by Samir ABI, 3rd HLPM Meeting
The High-Level Panel on International Migration (HLPM) in Africa was established in june 2017 by the United Nations Economic Commisson…

Statement at the High Level Panel on International Migration in Africa (HLPM) Meeting – International Organization for Migration (IOM)
I will speak first as a young African. In the globalized world, men are not equal according to their passport.…

Puerto Vallarta: The way to the Global Compact for Migration
A thought to all the people of this planet who will never have the chance, or the means, to travel…

October 2017
Press review of october 2017 on migration in West Africa