Interview with the newspaper L’Expression (Algeria) – May 14, 2020
Read below the interview with the Algerian newspaper L’Expression on migrations and COVID-19: https://www.lexpressiondz.com/nationale/les-migrants-sont-les-oublies-de-la-pandemie-330541 The full version of the interview: L’Expression:…

Migration, think the post COVID-19
As policies focus on managing the COVID-19 crisis, we need to have perspective and think about the world after the…

Flowers Campaign – Campagne des Fleurs 2019
For all those who lost their lives on migratory routes, we pay tribute to you with this Flowers Campaign. A…

Kampala: Solutions for refugees and internally displaced people
One cannot approach the subjects relating to refugees and internally displaced persons in Africa without referring to Kampala, the Ugandan…

Advocacy for the Ratification of the AU Protocol on Free Movement of Persons
The Protocol to the Treaty establishing the African Economic Community, concerning the free movement of persons, the right of residence…

5th Pan-African Forum on Migration (Cairo – EGYPT)
After Accra (Ghana) in 2015, Lusaka (Zambia) in 2016, Kampala (Uganda) in 2017 and Djibouti in 2018, it is North…

Training of trade unions, CSOs and migrant’s organisations in Lokossa (BENIN)
The West African Observatory on Migrations was at the side of the trade unions, CSOs and migrant’s organisations of Benin…

Meeting with Minister Dussey on African CSOs participation in ACP-EU negotiations – Lome (TOGO)
A delegation of African Civil Society Organization (CSOs), led by the Permanent Secretary of the West African Observatory on Migrations,…

Advocacy on Post-Cotonou Agreement in Brussels (Belgium)
On the initiative of the European NGO Confederation for Relief and Development (CONCORD) and the European Union Civil Society Committee…

Media Training on Migration – Formation des Médias sur la Migration- Johannesburg 2019
The Sub-Sahara Media Programme of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS Media Africa) organised a conference entitled ‘’Media and Migration: Telling…